
For those that are members in good standing that have never logged into their accounts. Please use the lost password form with the email that you used to sign up for your membership to generate your new password.


You can then update your password and other details by going to ‘my account‘ > ‘profile details‘.


If a memeber of your household already has a membership but you’d like a login with your own email you can checkout with a  Free Add on Membership 


If you experience any issues, have questions or need help contact 


Honeybee Centre




7480 176 Street,
Surrey, British Columbia
Canada V3S 7B1



1-604-575-2337 (BEES)


Toll Free




Beekeeping Courses, Local Suppliers

We’re a Colony of bee nerds.


Apiarists. That’s the technical term for what we are, but you can just call us beekeepers. This is our beeswax, it’s in our blood. And every morning, we wake up, driven…


  • to take care of these incredible insects
  • to open up the doors for you to discover the mysterious and wonderful world of honey bees
  • to introduce you to the health benefits of bee products
  • to teach you about the importance of honey bees for agriculture
  • to help this vital species survive and thrive


Our swarm is always here for you, to answer your questions, to alleviate your concerns and to help you overcome your fear of bees. Because they need us and we need them. Honeybee Centre is a commercial honey farm, country store, educational facility, CFIA registered packing facility, visitor attraction, and so much more


This place (Honeybee Centre as you know it) was once just a dream—a spark—that transformed into an MBA project that just made sense. It became so much more than a school project; it had to be more. It was our little piece of how to save the world and we knew it could make a difference.


Now, Honeybee Centre is a commercial honey farm, country store, educational facility, CFIA registered packing facility, visitor attraction, and so much more than that original dream could have ever dreamt up. That’s the power of ideas; when backed by passion, momentum builds and they become a force of their own, changing the world in ways we could never have predicted.