
For those that are members in good standing that have never logged into their accounts. Please use the lost password form with the email that you used to sign up for your membership to generate your new password.


You can then update your password and other details by going to ‘my account‘ > ‘profile details‘.


If a memeber of your household already has a membership but you’d like a login with your own email you can checkout with a  Free Add on Membership 


If you experience any issues, have questions or need help contact 


Become a Member

Why Join Us?


If you are considering beekeeping it is recommended that you join and participate in an active club. We are the South Fraser Branch of the BCHPA. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month from September through May. Bring your own tea mug.


The Langley Bee Club offers an opportunity for you to become part of the local beekeeping scene, meet others in your neighbourhood, and surrounding areas facing the same climate and bee challenges you are. Join us for award winning education. We are spoiled to be located in an area of incredible bee research that has cutting edge students and staff sharing their ideas and collaborating at university level, with us locals in mind.


By becoming a Langley Bee Club member you gain access to the wealth of knowledge our club members have. From beginners to elite leaders in their fields, our club has something for all. Our meetings are inclusive and educational starting with business before an educational speaker on different topics each month.

We also host:


  • Saturday in the Hives during the summer (for members only)
    which are hands on field days with a master beekeeper in different yards.
  • Bees and Beers or Bees no Beers (depending on the venue)
    is a fun social time for keepers to geek out over all things bee in a fun and casual setting.