
For those that are members in good standing that have never logged into their accounts. Please use the lost password form with the email that you used to sign up for your membership to generate your new password.


You can then update your password and other details by going to ‘my account‘ > ‘profile details‘.


If a memeber of your household already has a membership but you’d like a login with your own email you can checkout with a  Free Add on Membership 


If you experience any issues, have questions or need help contact 


What’s Happening in the Hive

This content is restricted to members only.

What's happening in the hive is a short session that we include at every meeting, a few of the more experienced keepers from each region (because things can vary wildly) will talk about what they're currently seeing in their hives, what you should be looking for in your hives, and what actions you should be taking or thinking about taking in the coming weeks with a short Question and Answer session for fellow members. We include this on the site as well in case members are unable to attend the meetings or need to reference the information later.

Become a Member of the Langley Bee Club for access.


Members Can login at the top right