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You can then update your password and other details by going to ‘my account‘ > ‘profile details‘.


If a memeber of your household already has a membership but you’d like a login with your own email you can checkout with a  Free Add on Membership 


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Club Library

The Langley Bee Club has an extensive library of titles and equipment that you can take out. Multiple copies can also mean different editions of the book.

Our Library also includes back issues of BeeScene, Hivelights, BeeCulture Magazine, and The American Bee Journal which are not pictured.


Here is a catalogue of our library of things:

Tasco Deluxe High Quality Microscope


ZOOM / 50x-750x

The Hive and The Honey Bee


4 copies

of Bee Culture


3 copies

The Backyard Beekeeper

An Absolute beginners guide

Kim Flottum

Honey Bee
Biosecurity Checklist

The Canadian Food
Inspection Agency

How to Keep Bees and Sell Honey

8th Edition

Walter T Kelley

The Biology of the Honey Bee

Mark L Winston

The Buzz about Bees

Biology of a superorganism

Jurgen Tautz

Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping

Dewey M Caron

Successful Queen Rearing

University of Minnesota Department of Entomology

Better Queens

Jay Smith


Lectures by 

Rudolf Steiner

Honey Bee Diseases & Pests

Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists

The Book of Honey

Claude Francis &
Fernande Gontier

The Practical Bee Guide

JG Digges

10th Edition

Beemasters of the Past

Victor Dodd

The Magic of Honey

Cooking with Honey

Dorothy Perlman

A Manual of Beekeeping

EB Wedmore

Beekeeping up to Date

AB Flower


A Practical Guide

Chard E Bonney

Milk and Honey

Rupi Kaur

NY Times Bestseller

Africanized Honey Bees in the Americas

Dewey Caron

Ants, Bees, and Other Social Insects

Kris Hirschmann

Pollination and Fruit Set in Tree Fruits

BC Department of Agriculture

Pollinator Protection

A Bee & Pesticide Handbook

Carl A Johansen & Daniel F Mayer

Mysteries of Beekeeping Explained

M Quinby

8th Edition

The Bee-Keeper’s Guide

Rupi Kaur

W. Herrod-Hempsall FRES

Health and Healing with Bee Products

C. Leigh Broadhurst PhD

The Lore of the Honey Bee

Tickner Edwardes

Bee Chats, Tips and Gadgets

P F (Roy) Thurber

Gourmet Honey Recipe Book

BC Honey Producers Association


Isha Mellor

Bee Pollen and your Health

Carlson Wade

First Aid for Bee and Wasp Stings

Mihaly Simics

Honey Bees and Hives

Lola M Schaefer

Honey For Health

Cecil Tonsley

Starting Right with Bees

Gleanings in Bee Culture Editorial Staff

The Little Book of Bees

Karl Weiss

Swarming It’s Control and Prevention

L. E. Snelgrove, M.A. M.Sc

500 ANSWERS to BEE Questions

A I Root Company

2 copies

Beekeeping the Gentle Craft

John F Adams

The Beemaid Story

From Hive to Home

2 copies

A Year’s Work in an Out-Apiary

GM Doolittle

Practical Beekeeping

Garden Way’s

A Taste of Honey

Jane Charlton & Jane Newdick


Production, Harvesting, Processing and Products

Willian  Coggshall
& Roger A Morse

A Short History of the Honey Bee

Humans, Flowers, and Bees in the Eternal Chase for Honey

The Hive

Bee Wilson

The Bees

Laline Paul

The Honey Bus

Meredith May


Their Vision, Chemical Senses, and Language

Beekeeping in the Midwest

Elbert R Jaycox

Fifty Years Among the Bees

Dr CC Miller

A Beeman’s Journey

Charles Sauriol

Letters From the Hive

Stephen Buchmann

Guide to Bees and Honey

Ted Hooper

Following the Wild Bees

Thomas D Seeley

The Secret Life of Bees

Sue Monk Kidd

A World Without Bees

Alison Benjamin
& Brian McCallum

Plants for Beekeeping in Canada

Jane Ramsay

Pollination with Mason Bees

Dr Margriet Dogterom

Mason Bees for the Backyard Gardener

Sherian A Wright

Harmonic Farming: Bees

Werner M Gysi

Listening to the Bees

Mark L Winston & Renée Sarojini Saklikar

Toward Saving the Honeybee

Gunther Hauk

Bad Beekeeping

Ron Miksha

Secrets of the Animal World Bees

Busy Honeymakers

Walt Disney’s Bees and Ants

Golden Book

Ants and Bees

Wonder Book of How and Why

Bees and their Hives

Linda Tagliaferro

The Night Before Christmas

The Hive

Varroa Fight The Mite

Pamela Munn
& Richard Jones

Magic School Bus Plants and Seeds

How living things grow

The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive

Joanna Cole
& Bruce Degen

The Magic School Bus Explores the World of Bugs


The Bee Book

Jakob Streit

Little Bee Sunbeam

Jakob Streit

Clan Apis

Jay Hosler