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BC Honey Producers Association




BeesCene Publications




The British Columbia Honey Producers Association (BCHPA) was incorporated in 1920 to serve beekeepers of British Columbia. The BCHPA’s primary goal is to educate and improve the quality of beekeeping throughout the Province for all beekeepers. Through its work, education initiatives and Provincial involvement the BCHPA has been acknowledged by the Ministry of Agriculture as the voice of all beekeepers in the Province of British Columbia.


The association has accomplished this by holding conventions throughout the Province presenting experts and scientists addressing the many aspects of beekeeping, food quality, hive health, economic impact and management of bees. The Association represents all beekeepers in the Province and acts on their behalf through its membership in the Canadian Honey Council.


More than 750 BC beekeepers are members, representing over 52,000 colonies, located throughout the Province from Sooke to Cranbrook and Vancouver to the Peace River area.


The BCHPA elected Central Executive at large consists of 20 members. The BCHPA also has representatives on the Canadian Honey Council, Boone, Wilkinson Trust Fund, BC Bee Breeders Association and the BCHPA certified Producers Program.


The purposes of the Association are to:


• Promote and encourage the keeping of bees using the most suitable methods for their effective management.
• Disseminate reliable and practical information of interest to beekeepers.
• Promote public knowledge of beekeeping through education programs, exhibitions and sponsorship of beekeeping instruction.
• Promote the role of bees in agricultural pollination.
• Represent the interests of British Columbia beekeepers to the provincial and federal governments.
• Provide forums for debate, information exchange and fellowship among its members