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BCHPA Semi Annual Meeting

BCHPA Semi Annual Meeting

BCHPA Semi Annual Meeting


March 21, 2025 - March 22, 2025    
All Day


Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort
209 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 6R9

Event Type

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Our Semi-Annual Meeting will be held in the beautiful East Kootenay!  Our newest BCHPA Branch, the East Kootenay Beekeepers will be hosting us at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort.  We are planning our business meeting on Friday and a full day of educational presentations on Saturday.  As a bonus, we will also host a welcome reception on Friday evening.  Join us in person in Cranbrook or online.

Are you new to beekeeping?​ If you are a “newbee” just starting to keep bees, this event will offer some basic and foundational educational sessions and will encourage you on your journey!

For more details

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