
For those that are members in good standing that have never logged into their accounts. Please use the lost password form with the email that you used to sign up for your membership to generate your new password.


You can then update your password and other details by going to ‘my account‘ > ‘profile details‘.


If a memeber of your household already has a membership but you’d like a login with your own email you can checkout with a  Free Add on Membership 


If you experience any issues, have questions or need help contact 


Urban Bee Supply




5300 34b Avenue,
Delta, BC
V4L 2P1






Beekeeping Courses, Local Suppliers

BC’s (and beyonds) Beekeeping Supply Store


Urban Bee is dedicated to supplying the beekeepers of BC and beyond with high quality beekeping equipment and customer service.


Urban Bee is based out of beautiful Ladner, BC and is a division of West Coast Seeds also based out of Ladner. We are made up of a small team of beekeepers / bee lovers who want to see and be a part of other beekeepers finding success and enjoyment in their beekeeping pursuits!


We can accommodate orders for both shipping and pick-up via our Webstore, or you can Contact Us via call or email to place your order.


In addition to our wide range of supplies including Beginner Kits, we also sell the Bees themselves and provide various Education services including Beginner Classes each year to help new and learning beekeepers find success and support in their new passion!


We provide beekeeping supplies, support, education and expertise to beekeepers, and those interested in the greater understanding of the hive. We do it with the purpose of supporting the growth of healthy colonies across the country, and raising the understanding of the colony as a whole. We support commercial and urban beekeepers to increase the biological diversity within our cities and farmlands.